Feng Shui is most often associated with decluttering, staging a home or mindful decor. Feng Shui is actually incorporated in design or decor ONLY as a control of the element cycle. The element cycle is a basis for Chinese Metaphysics and is as follows; Fire creates Earth, Earth produces metal, Metal condenses Water, Water feeds Wood, and Wood fuels Fire. To negate the excessive Earth energy associated with the yearly afflictions, metal decor or weights can be used for this purpose in these areas.

Today, I will be giving examples of how I advised a local business, The Purple Mandrake (link below) to incorporate real natural elements, used together with date selection & the owners BaZi (birth chart). The purpose of these placements was to negate the negative shifting energies from the incoming Chinese New Year and keep things flowing smoothly in the business & activate this years "noblemen" or helpful people. This years afflictions are in the Southwest (5 yellow "star") , Northwest ( Grand Duke or Tai Sui) & West (3 killings). All of these can be calmed by placing metal in these direction "sectors" of a home or office on a date that supports your energy.
First, I started with the owners birthday. This gives me a personal energy reading and identifies strengths and weaknesses. It also shows me what areas would be best to advise her on activating for her personally. Second, I take into consideration goals for year, short term and long term, then take action from there. Her main goal was education and the yearly energies indicated there could be travel. By looking at her energy from her birthday I was able to advise her to do an activation of her intelligence sector as well as her "travel horse" which were in the same area. Lastly, we went over the best days and times for her to put the metal in place and do the activation. There was also a fountain that needed to be moved as water was no longer able to be in the same sector as last year. Here are the results:
* The decor is all the owner and staffs taste, I only advised on where stuff goes and when. They did a lovely job of incorporating my suggestions into decor with a purpose.
I advised the dates, times and how to, she incorporated Metal touches to the area as well as some hidden metal that can stay put all year. The break room was given a deep cleaning and spruced up as a way of activating the area. The fountain was painstakingly (I heard lots of colorful words were used) moved to the North, apparently it's as heavy as it looks. I will add... moving water is a huge pain in the keister but one of the best activations that can be done in certain areas. For water placement please consult a qualified classical practitioner (ME) *wink wink. As you can see incorporating Feng Shui into your home or business is really practical and can be done to your taste. No waving kitties needed.
For Reiki, Massage and so much more, I highly recommend choosing The Purple Mandrake https://www.massagebook.com/Lubbock~Massage~PurpleMandrake